ACHLM: Pali Lookout Hike
ACHLM at Likeke Waterfall--3/23/96

ACH/SCH/hawaii.test/hawaii.nortle gang on our hike to the Nuuanu Pali Lookout. After venturing up to the lookout, we backtracked down the old Pali road and took the Likeke trail to a small waterfall. I snapped this shot of the group on the trail leading to the falls. In the front (L to R) are Katya and Nicholas Ekimoto, and Neal and YongRan Oribio. Standing from left to right are Earl and MaryAnne Long, Heather Llenos, Susan Jaworowski, Nathan Yuen, and Helen Rapozo. Not pictured here is the Panther, who was with us on the hike but passed on fording a gently-flowing brook to reach the falls.
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